Audio Lab Services

Noise Measurement Systems

Industrial Noise Assessments are available utilizing up to date noise dose meters/sound level meters. Our comprehensive reports provide detailed print outs of the test results and offer a solid basis on which to make decisions regarding your company's Hearing Conservation Plan.

Mobile Hearing Testing

Our modern trucks test 2 employees every 15 minutes. Each worker receives an individual explanation of the test results and counseling on the use of hearing protection.

Hearing Protection Evaluation & Custom Fittings

Individual hearing protection fittings and recommendations are based on employees work noise exposure and personal fit requirements. Custom fit ear impressions and plugs are distributed through A.A. Audio Lab.

Employee Educational Seminars

Employee education includes a lecture, a demonstration and a video presentation about hearing protection in order to promote a higher level of interest, understanding and more powerful motivation to protect hearing.

Annual Review & Reporting

An Annual Review will provide a documented assessment of your company's Hearing Conservation Program. To further measure the effectiveness of your hearing conservation efforts, we can offer in depth reviews of audiometric files and provide you with a written report outlining the findings within each occupational group.